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St. Patrick's Primary School Mullanaskea, Garvary, Enniskillen, County Fermanagh

Primary 1

1st Sep 2021

Dear Parents

We are very much looking forward to seeing you all on the 1st September 2021 at 8:45am.  Primary 1 children are to be dropped off and collected at the P1 outside door.

To help your child settle in, we will have a phased home time for the first 2 weeks.

Week 1:               Wednesday 1st – Friday 3rd September (8:45am – 12 noon)

  • Please provide a snack and a drink for break time.
  • Milk will be given to all children if they would like it.

**Please note, there will be no dinners in school this week**

Week 2:               Monday 6th – Friday 10th September (8:45am – 1pm)

  • Children will have their lunch in school.
  • If children wish to take a school dinner, they are welcome to do so. A dinner menu and information about school dinners will be sent home with your children on Wednesday 1st

Week 3:               Monday 13th – Onwards

  • Children will stay in school until 1:45pm

Mrs Cox, our Foundation Learning Support Teacher will be teaching the class as Mrs Quinn will not be in for the start of term.

A letter from Ms O’Neill has been uploaded to the school website about starting back to school.  This letter contains information about the measures the school is taking in order to keep everyone safe in relation to COVID 19.  We ask you to please read this letter and be familiar with these measures.  We have attached a link below for your convenience.

We look forward to getting to know you and your children.

Best wishes

The Staff of St. Patrick’s Primary School, Mullanaskea