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St. Patrick's Primary School Mullanaskea, Garvary, Enniskillen, County Fermanagh

Eco-Schools Project

 Since commencing the Eco- Schools Programme, environmental awareness has become and intrinsic part of the life and ethos of St Patrick's. The programme has allowed our school to develop strong links with members of the local community, businesses and parents as it welcomed all of these to support staff and pupils. The Eco Schools programme has extended learning beyond the classroom and developed responsible attitudes and commitment not only to the school environment but at home and the wider community.

Our school has worked hard to achieve the highest Eco- Schools Award, the Green Flag, which is a recognised and respected eco- label for environmental education and performance. This illustrates our commitment to Environmental Education and Sustainable Development. We are delighted with this achievement. Our participation in the programme has seen us work with a variety of agenices such as Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful and Fermanagh District Council. We endeavour to maintain these links as we work hard to maintain our Green Flag Status.

We do so by encouraging the whole school to adopt our schools Eco- Code and:

  • Turn off the lights when not in use
  • Turn off computers at the end of the day
  • Close windows and doors to conserve heat
  • Recycle Paper
  • Use both sides of the page
  • Set up a paper recycling “bank” in the classroom
  • Encourage recycling of ink, batteries, clothes and paper

Well done to all our Eco Warriors!

Eco News

9th May 2024
Dear Parent, I wish to thank the children, parents, grandparents, former pupils...
1st May 2024
16th Apr 2024
Thank you to Pat from NI Water for coming to speak to us about the water cycle, how...